Collagen 101: Facts You Need to Know
Collagen is the key to supporting the process of aging. As we get older – from around our early twenties – the body starts to lose collagen, an integral and abundant protein that is often referred to as the glue that holds everything together. This is seen as a decrease of 1% in the body’s collagen per year. This amount might not seem like much, but boy does it have an impact.
Hair Growth & Active Collagen
Hair Loss & Menopause – Are They Related?
Hair loss or balding doesn’t only occur in men, it is a physiological issue that causes unbridled psychological impacts in women. And more specifically women of menopausal and postmenopausal age.
The Power of the B’s
The Relax & Recover Mineral
Synergistic Eating
Key Nutrients to Support Postpartum Hair loss
Zinc & Male Reproductive Health
When it comes to optimizing fertility, the importance of male reproductive health is often overlooked in comparison to that of a female. Of course, we all know that the female body has a huge role to play in carrying a child from conception to birth, and there is a lot relying on her fertile health. But what about the role male fertility plays?