The Science Blog

Lifestyle, Wellness, & Science-Based Tips

How do Free Radicals Affect Our Skin?

How do Free Radicals Affect Our Skin?

Our skin is our bodies largest organ, although we often forget that it is even an organ at all! It is constantly exposed to numerous environmental factors such as UV radiation, air pollutants, pesticides and irritants that have an impact on the health of our skin.
Balance Your Blood Sugar

Balance Your Blood Sugar

A popular topic of late – and for good reason – is balancing your blood sugar. When the topic of blood sugar is mentioned it is often associated with diabetes. Although maintaining blood sugar levels is not only important for diabetics. It is important for lifelong health.
Essential Nutrients for Lactation

Essential Nutrients for Lactation

So mumma, you’ve just been through the rollercoaster that is pregnancy and now you’re welcomed into the whirlwind that is postpartum and breastfeeding. You may be feeling a little overwhelmed and exhausted to say the least, especially when it comes to supporting your newborns nutrition.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or more commonly known as PCOS (pee-cos), is a prevalent reproductive health issue amongst women of reproductive age, where estimates show 1 in 10 women struggle with PCOS prior to menopause. And a lot of those affected go undiagnosed. Due to its prevalence, PCOS has definitely received a great deal more of attention recently and women are becoming more aware of what to look out for.
Fasting & the Gut Microbiome

Fasting & the Gut Microbiome

Fasting, and especially intermittent fasting, is totally a topic that is either hit or miss in the wellness space. You’re either for it or against it. Although they often get quite a bad rap for leaning more towards a fad diet trend, there are actually some pretty surprising benefits that have nothing to do with losing weight fast.
The Missing Links in Joint Health

The Missing Links in Joint Health

Joint health – probably not as sexy a topic as gut health – is something everyone should be aware of. As we age or accumulate niggling injuries it is highly likely you’ve woken up in the morning noticing a few new clicks and cracks. We hear you, literally! This is unfortunately a reality check that our bodies are aging and now require more TLC than we may realise.
Supporting Collagen Production as a Vegan

Supporting Collagen Production as a Vegan

Our bodies are rich in collagen protein as it makes up most of the connective tissues such as our skin, tendons and bones, and is important for the health of our gut, hair and nails. Although this protein may be found in ample amounts throughout the body, as we age our ability to maintain ample amounts declines. And as a result we notice the signs of aging – wrinkles, sagging and dry skin
Why Soluble Fibre?

Why Soluble Fibre?

A lot of people find it overwhelming when told to increase their fibre consumption. Whether that’s due to not having enough time to prepare fresh produce, not knowing how to cook with certain ingredients or simply having no idea where to start. 
Pregnancy & Your Skin

Pregnancy & Your Skin

During pregnancy there is a whole lot of change happening in a woman’s body - expanding bellies, increased cravings and heavier breasts. There are, however, specific physiological changes which develop during pregnancy that aren’t as obvious as a growing belly.
Boosting Your Nutrients Postpartum

Boosting Your Nutrients Postpartum

The pregnancy and postpartum periods – including breastfeeding – are the all-important stages for ensuring you’re meeting the raised nutritional requirements. Not just for ensuring your baby has a healthy development but also for avoiding negative health complications in the mother post-birth which are associated with inadequate nutrition.

Is it Adrenal Fatigue?

Is it Adrenal Fatigue?

We see you. Running around, busy doing it all. Exhausted. Fatigued. Irritable. Tired & wired. Sound familiar? You may have heard of the term ‘adrenal fatigue’ being thrown around in conversation to describe just these feelings. Basically, adrenal fatigue is a term that is being used by some health professionals and general media to collectively describe a condition attributable to chronic, prolonged stress. Sometimes also referred to as burn out.
Foods For Each Phase + Meal Ideas

Foods For Each Phase + Meal Ideas

Becoming aware and living in tune with your cycle has never been more popular than in recent times. And aren’t we glad! Getting in tune means making lifestyle and nutrition choices that will support the 4 phases of your cycle – Menstrual, Follicular, Ovulatory and Luteal – and will also influence how you experience that month’s period i.e. may mitigate sore boobs, cramps and even PMS.