The Science Blog

Lifestyle, Wellness, & Science-Based Tips

Trimester Zero

Trimester Zero

Often simply referred to as the preconception period, trimester zero includes the years, months and weeks before trying to conceive. Of course, we’ve all heard of trimesters 1, 2 and 3 that make up a full-term pregnancy, and the importance of getting everything right during this time. But there is a growing awareness of the importance of female health long before actively trying to conceive that impact pregnancy outcomes for both mum and bub.
Nutrients for Longevity

Nutrients for Longevity

Living a long and healthy life is what most wish to attain to. Predicting long term health is near impossible, with the certain unbridled curveballs that can be thrown at us at really any given time. Although, the less daunting fact to know is that living a long and healthy life can be assisted through specific dietary and lifestyle changes.
Benefits of the Humble Brew

Benefits of the Humble Brew

Coffee is probably one of the most consumed beverages in the world. From its delightful aroma, taste and energizing effects it’s no wonder drinking coffee is a daily ritual for majority. Although the caffeine hit may be the basis of its attraction for a lot of busy people, coffee has other compounds that should be celebrated too. 

Spotlight on Progesterone

Spotlight on Progesterone

In conversations about the menstrual cycle and female hormonal health it is often that oestrogen gets the first mention over progesterone. Yes, oestrogen is a dominant female hormone, although progesterone is just as important and shouldn’t be overlooked in menstrual cycle or fertility education.
Praise for Vitamin C

Praise for Vitamin C

If you’re reading this, you’ve managed to get through the last 3 or so years of the dreaded spicy cough – C%@!#-19. And you’ve probably also become more aware of your immune health, including the importance of getting enough vitamin C.

Are You Getting Enough Protein?

Are You Getting Enough Protein?

As society continues to strive towards fitness goals, body aesthetics and an overall healthier self, there is a driving need to increase protein intakes. And this is not to say that increasing protein intakes should just be reserved for those hitting PB’s in the gym or professional athletes, it is beneficial for everyone!
How Does the Menstrual Cycle Affect Skin?

How Does the Menstrual Cycle Affect Skin?

Have you ever wondered why your skin is clearer at certain times of the month than others? Not only does our menstrual cycle have an effect on PMS, our energy and mood, it also has a strong correlation with our skin health.
Collagen FAQs Answered

Collagen FAQs Answered

With the growing popularity of collagen supplements comes the growing list of common questions. Like any supplement, we want to be sure we’re making the right choice and getting the most bang for our buck. Although, figuring this out alone can be confusing.  
Does a Happy Gut Make a Happy Mind?

Does a Happy Gut Make a Happy Mind?

Ah yes the science of happiness. It’s far more complicated than just waking up on the right side of the bed. Ever heard of gut feelings? Science is showing that it’s a real thing.
Nutrients Essential for Healthy Skin

Nutrients Essential for Healthy Skin

Our skin is the largest organ of the body, and no doubt one organ everybody gives a lot of care and attention to. There are moisturisers, cleansers, oils and exfoliators that claim to do wonders for your skin. But there are also various nutrients in our diets that can have tremendous effects on skin health.
Why is Ovulation so Important?

Why is Ovulation so Important?

In a woman’s lifetime she will experience an average of 35-40 years of menstruation. Menstruation affects a woman’s quality of life, whether that be mental or physical effects, and is also considered a females fifth vital sign. Getting a monthly period is a sign of fertility, the real purpose of course being that a woman can fall pregnant. However, there are other benefits of menstruation that are often overlooked by general healthcare providers.

Active Women & Risk of Iron Deficiency

Active Women & Risk of Iron Deficiency

Iron is one micronutrient that has certainly gained its name in the spotlight. It is a major functional factor of our red blood cells, essential for oxygen transport - in haemoglobin - and fundamental for energy production.